A web home for Federico Igne

Here is my CV (along with the longer academic version).

Current research

I’m currently a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof. Ian Horrocks and Dr Stefano Germano.

I'm part of the KRR group at the University of Oxford, and the SIRIUS research centre at the University of Olso.

My research focuses on conjunctive query answering over unrestricted ontologies. This lead to the development of RSAComb, a solver for conjuntive query answering over RSA ontologies, and its integration in PAGOdA.


I obtained my bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the University of Udine in 2015 (110/110 cum laude) under the supervision of Prof. Agostino Dovier.

I obtained my master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Udine and in collaboration with the New Mexico State University in 2017 (110/110 cum laude) under the supervision of Prof. Agostino Dovier and Prof. Enrico Pontelli. I worked on a distributed ASP solver using the map-reduce paradigm.

During my time at the University of Udine, I received a scholarship from the Scuola Superiore of Udine, an institution of higher education within the University of Udine.


Federico Igne, Stefano Germano, and Ian Horrocks.
Computing CQ Lower-Bounds over OWL 2 Through Approximation to RSA.
20th International Semantic Web Conference - Research Track, ISWC 2021, Virtual Event, October 24-28, 2021 (BibTeX, PDF).

Federico Igne, Stefano Germano, and Ian Horrocks.
Computing CQ Lower-Bounds over OWL 2 Through Approximation to RSA - Extended Abstract.
20th International Semantic Web Conference - Posters, Demos and Industry Tracks, ISWC 2021, Virtual Event, October 24-28, 2021 (BibTeX, PDF).

Federico Igne, Stefano Germano, and Ian Horrocks.
RSAComb: Combined Approach for CQ Answering in RSA
34th International Workshop on Description Logics, DL 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 19-22, 2021 (BibTeX, PDF).

Marco De Bortoli, Federico Igne, Fabio Tardivo, Pietro Totis, Agostino Dovier, and Enrico Pontelli.
Towards Distributed Computation of Answer Sets.
34th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, Trieste, Italy, June 19-21, 2019 (BibTeX, PDF).

Luca Geatti, Federico Igne, and Marino Miculan.
An Abstract Distributed Middleware for Transactions over Heterogeneous Stores.
20th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, ICTCS 2019, Como, Italy, September 9-11, 2019 (BibTeX, PDF).

Federico Igne, Agostino Dovier, and Enrico Pontelli
MASP-Reduce: A Proposal for Distributed Computation of Stable Models.
34th International Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP 2018, July 14-17, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom (BibTeX, PDF).